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Senior Services

ATTENTION: Senior Citizens' Title III B Program Funding Support

  1. The Lincoln Trail Area Development District (LTADD) provides Title III B federal funding to assist senior citizen transportation in Hardin and Meade Counties. TACK is contracted to provide those services supporting senior citizens throughout our service area. Program funding is a finite resource; there is not enough money available to meet every desire of our area seniors or every intent of our non-profit service provider partners.
  2. After consultation with LTADD and Title III B proponents, the expenditure of program funding will be utilized:
    • Trips to/from senior citizen centers in Meade & Hardin Counties to support their activities.
    • Trips to pick up commodities to be delivered to seniors. (One unit per)
    • Dialysis Centers
  3. All other transportation services provided to area seniors will be performed at the already-established public fare. Please contact TACK for more information on specific costs for those services.